Forum formed

The St Quintin and Woodlands Neighbourhood Forum was officially formed on 27 June 2013 at a public meeting at St Helen’s Church Hall attended by members of the community.

The meeting voted unanimously to adopt the Constitution as previously submitted in the application to the relevant local authorities.

All ten area representatives who had expressed an interest in joining the management committee introduced themselves and were elected unopposed. They comprise six members of the St Helens Residents Association management committee and four others from the neighbourhood area.

There are positions for up to four further members of the management committee and anyone living or working in the neighbourhood area is entitled to put themselves forward for election.

The meeting agreed unanimously that the elected members of management committee would meet to nominate the appointment of officers, to include the chairperson, vice-chair, secretary and treasurer.

An update on local planning matters followed. Anyone living or working in the Neighbourhood Area is invited to suggest issues that should be covered by the Neighbourhood Forum and Neighbourhood Plan.